
Let's get your student signed up for Piano 2.

This class meets Thursdays at 4:00 PM for 6 weeks starting Jul 18. It is open to students ages 10 and up. The cost is $75.00.


  • I hold Ensembles harmless against all claims or demands arising from participation in class.
  • I give Ensembles permission for medical treatment, in the event I cannot be reached in a timely manner.
  • Ensembles is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please bring only what you need for class.
  • All photographs and videos resulting from participation in Ensembles activities will become property of Ensembles to be used in promotion on website, social media and promotional materials. For confidentiality, no student names will be associated with photos.

Guildelines and Expectations

  • I understand and agree to abide by and follow these guidelines and expectations listed below. I (we) understand that failing to do so will constitute grounds for dismissal from the program without refund of tuition.
  • I will be prompt for drop-off and pick up. Please do not arrive more than 15 minutes early as no one will be there to supervise. Adult need to come into the building to get children under the age of 12. They will not be released to the parking lot.
  • Student will conduct themselves in a courteous, respectful manner toward the teachers and fellow students. I (we) will avoid any action that would obstruct or disrupt the class, performance, waiting area, etc...
  • Student will come to class prepared and ready to learn new skills. The more they put into this opportunity, the more they will take away from it.